Headshot photo of Saint Mary's faculty Navid Sabbaghi

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Navid Sabbaghi

Headshot photo of Saint Mary's faculty Navid Sabbaghi
Department: Business Analytics

Professional Overview

His mentorship has enabled students to win National Science Foundation awards to further their entrepreneurial projects and help bring them to market. In particular, as part of the National NSF Innovation Corps program, Musa Ogunyeni is taking an invention from his research and is transforming it into a start-up focused on making cutting-edge blockchain technology safer for our society. At Saint Mary's, research is practical, innovative, and makes a difference.

Through capstone project experiences students get a practical and in-depth exposure to real-world and meaningful company projects. Our students have worked on projects for companies such as NASA, Intel, CBS Interactive, Grocery Outlet, Cisco, Lemonaid Health, T-Mobile, Provident Credit Union, and many more Bay Area and Silicon Valley companies. The projects help our students gain critical experience that is necessary for successful placement in the job market.


Navid Sabbaghi is a mentor, educator, researcher, and entrepreneur with a professional background in analytics, computer science, optimization, and machine learning. He has guided thousands of  business students on applying analytics, engineering, and technology skills to various business areas. Dr. Navid, as he is affectionately called, has Bachelors degrees in Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from UC Berkeley, a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, and was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research fellowship during his graduate studies.